Entries in IMSH (2)


IMSH 2012 micro-SBL presentation

I just got back last night from IMSH 2012 where my colleague Terry Tao and I presented work by our team here at University of Wisconsin-Extension on a system for micro-Scenario Based Learning for nurse education. We're designing the system to be usable for other content areas as well.

San Diego was fantastic as usual and the conference was great. The image above is from the current prototype of the micro-SBL system which we demoed at the conference. If you click on the image you can download a copy of the presentation as a .pdf. Needless to say, the demo is not included in the .pdf.


Getting back in the game

Apart from a couple of recent outbursts in response to local and global politics, I'm pretty much at least two months behind on blogging. However, this is the post that will rectify that, and then maybe I can actually start moving forward with the regular blogging about games and what not that I nearly started doing at the end of 2010. In this post, you'll find some stuff about the IMSH conference, Eric Bauman's new LLC (and website) Clinical Playground, a few thoughts about my experience in the 2011 Global Game Jam, a bump for the 2011 GLS conference, umm . . . nothing about the current state of politics in Wisconsin (there'll be more on that at a later time), but it does include a bonus picture of a Norwegian Elkhound. All that plus something I surely left out after the jump.

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